
fredag 27 november 2015

Busy with life!

The summer has finally arrived to New Zealand and I have had such a beautiful week!

It has been full of long walks, sun, sweat and sunburn!

It is also fun that Caesar has made so many new friends here in Auckland! Yesterday we had a friend over after school and today he´s being picked up by another mom to go home to their house.

Took a walk to the local "book shop", a house I sometimes pass on my way home from school. Today I wanted to pick up some new books from this lovely book exchange box that someone has put up on their lawn. The only books I have to exchange so far are written in swedish. :)

Tonight 4 girlfriends are coming over for colouring night and chatting, so today I am making some healthy snacks and have bought non-alchoholic grapewine as well.

Christmas has come early for me, since I got this Christmas present from Niklas today! I haven´t been taking guitar lessons for about 15 years, but next week I will start again and I am sooo looking forward to it!

Otherwise I have been working as usual and tomorrow early morning I am going with a friend to Hamilton to help her when she is participating in an arts and crafts market there. It´s gonna be so much fun! Have great weekend everybody!

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